Authority Profile

The Local Government Finance Authority of South Australia (LGFA) proudly and exclusively serves South Australian Councils and Local Government Bodies. It has done this with distinction since being established under the Local Government Finance Authority Act, 1983 as a body corporate.


The LGFA is administered by a Board of Trustees, and works for the benefit of Councils and other Local Government Bodies within South Australia. It is not part of the Crown, nor is it an agency or instrumentality of the Crown.


All South Australian Councils are automatically Members of the Local Government Finance Authority of South Australia, but use of LGFA services for investment and loans is entirely voluntary.

State Government Guarantee

LGFA members have good reason to be confident in their dealings with the Authority as, in accordance with Section 24 of the Local Government Finance Authority Act, 1983.

Special Distributions

Members who support the Authority by depositing money or using loan facilities share in the LGFA’s success via special distributions (previously known as the bonus) and it is paid on a pro-rata basis.

Local Government Research and Development Fund

LGFA makes payments equivalent to Company Income Tax directly into a fund that is used exclusively for the benefit of South Australian Local Government.


The funds in this account are available for local government development purposes based on recommendations by the Local Government Association of South Australia that have the support of the South Australian Minister for Local Government. It is a requirement that the LGFA has no involvement in the control or dispersion of funds from this account.

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